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Vote for Moti Me!

"Fun and adaptable toys for children designed to encourage physiotherapy practice and early-year development. "

How to Vote - Voting ends Friday!

1. Register an account here:




2. Confirm your account (check spam/junk emails if you cannot see an email)


3. Login here and click on the heart next to the Moti Me video pitch to vote:

Thank you

We really appreciate you taking the time to vote and we hope that you liked our video pitch! Please feel free to drop us a message if you had any questions.

Keep in-touch and follow our journey!

Need Help Voting?

Get in touch so we can help you out.

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Get in-touch!

Our product is still in the development stage, but we hope to launch it soon.

Please send us your email address so we can update you with a launch date

or to hear our latest news.

Add your email below so we can let you know!

Thanks for submitting!


The Studio, Holywell Way, Loughborough, England, LE11 3UZ


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